As a church, God has entrusted us with the Gospel, which is the power of God for salvation (Romans 1:16-17). Everything that we do is centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Believing that only the Gospel transforms the person's heart to be used to advance the Gospel.

Our Mission:

Our mission is to make disciples who have good theology, live in biblical community and live missional lives.

Our Vision:

Forest Park seeks to be a “kingdom community” (Christ-Centered Church) in which we are showing the world what the future kingdom will look like (1 Peter 2:9-10). We model how all of life—business practices, race relations, family life, art and culture—are restored and re-defined by King Jesus.

Our Values:

Forest Park Church is marked by people who are generous servants living intentional lives.

  • Give Generously: What lies at the heart of the Gospel is God giving generously. The gospel opens our eyes to the fact that all our wealth (even wealth for which we have worked hard for) is ultimately an unmerited gift from God. Forest Park is a family that lives with open handed generosity, not only towards one another inside the church, but also to those outside the church. We give generously of our time, money, relationships and living space to; one another, the poor, widow, oppressed, immigrant, refuge and physically weak.

  • Serve Graciously: The greatest servant (Christ) of all has come not to be served but serve and to give His life as a ransom for many. Serving graciously is motivated by the reconciling work of Jesus and seeks to extend His grace and mercy to others. Forest Park is a community of servants committed to serving others graciously. We are focused more on people than on titles and programs. Which means we are willing to say “no” to a lot of good things in order to maintain the most important ones.

  • Live Intentionally: When we live intentionally we become the followers Jesus called as we live on mission with our families, serving our communities and reaching the people in our lives. Forest Park is committed to intentionally equip members of the church, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to do the work of ministry. Forest Park trains and equips its members to pursue their passions and utilize their spiritual gifts as they join Jesus on His mission in our community.